miercuri, 16 august 2023

Edinburgh 2023 - First two days

Two days into this year's Edinburgh Fringe, and I have only managed to see 2 shows. Deeply frustrating, but work got in the way, so it's up to the next 3 days to recover. I've scheduled a whooping 9 shows day tomorrow, let's see how it goes.

But let's see about the first two shows then:

Spin by Kate Sumpter - I've seen Kate act on a couple of occasions, but I heard about the show from Meaghan Martin, whose company, 3 Hearts Canvas, is producing the show. This is a solid show, and Kate is a great actress. It's entertaining and well-conceived, I like the production value and the little touches of style, such as the radio-guided car bringing food. The script is well crafted, though if I'm being honest it's probably the weakest aspect of the show. The theme of involuntarily causing harm, which then cascades into self-harm, is a bit overused, in various circumstances, so unless it's biographical, I would stay away. There are other devices that could've been used to better effect. Also, I feel like more can be done in the beginning to get the audience fully engaged in the spin class. Of course, it would be amazing to do the show in a gym, with all the audience on stationary bikes. But that's a difficult setup to come across, especially at the Fringe. Would have been the bomb though.

Also, when the backdrop of the set is a huge mirror surface, please be careful with the front light! I had the SL projector in my face for half the show. 

Making History by Stephen Fry - of course, 'by Stephen Fry' is a marketing ploy, the show is adapted from a book written by Stephen Fry. Poorly adapted if I am to be bluntly honest. I launched into a long paragraph criticizing the actors and saying they're below amdram level, but then I googled the company and indeed, community theatre. Therefore, I will refrain from further judgment. Typical amdram production, with a very competent set, but huge problems with pace. The script is the strong element this time, engaging and entertaining story, though I can see the markers of Stephen Fry's approach through it: The main premises of the plot sound revolutionary and earth-shattering, but an average year 1 college student can clear a few things for you. What if Hitler was never born? Why is God allowing cancer in children? Yeah, sure thing, Stephen, except that's not how it works.

Either way, not at all sorry for seeing it. It gave me the opportunity to venture a bit further away from the epicenter of the Fringe, in the very picturesque Ninnian Hall. Oh, that venue could do amazing things!

So that's that so far, poor crop for two days in Edinborough. Let's see how tomorrow works out, after 5 hours of sleep.

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